Friends from diverse positions gather to create a “collective impact” unique to Shibuya.

Mr. Osamu Motoda (CEO, Sumadori Inc.)
Marina Yamaba (Future Design Shibuya)

The "Shibuya Smart Drinking Project" is a project where everyone from Shibuya thinks about, creates, and disseminates a new drink culture that can be enjoyed by both drinkers and non-drinkers alike. Mr. Motoda of Sumadri Co., Ltd., which is co-organizing with Future Design Shibuya (FDS), looks back on the progress of the project, and talks about the Grand Prix of the Japan Marketing Awards, which he won in May of this year, and the appeal of FDS. We spoke with Yamaha, who is in charge of this project.

The first step towards achieving small successes

It's been about a year since the Yamaha Shibuya Smart Drinking Project was launched. Looking back on your past activities, how do you feel about them?

Motoda: One of the things I have worked hard on over the past year has been student collaboration. First of all, we provide content called ``Sumadri Seminar'' to university students, and we have started activities with university ambassadors who work here at ``Smadori River Shibuya.'' I believe that with the support from Shibuya City, we have been able to actively engage in such activities to raise awareness of responsible drinking.

Yamaha: The number of companies that agree with us is gradually increasing.

MotodaThat 's right. "Sumadori Seminar" is also provided to companies that support it, such as Tokyu's new employee training where new employees learn about manners at drinking parties. Let me implement the content. This kind of collaboration is gradually taking shape.

Yamaba: On the other hand, what do you find attractive about the collaboration with FDS?

MotodaIn other regions, it is quite difficult to connect the government and companies, or even companies themselves, to solve social issues. But in the case of Shibuya, because of the FDS platform, if you raise your hand, your friends will come to you. People approached me during networking events, and even though the conversation was just ``Can we do something together?'', as we tried various things, we realized that ``We can do this'' and ``We can do that.'' I'm going.
We are currently having small conversations like this with a variety of people, and there are a number of things that are starting to move toward fruition. I think we will see concrete results next year.
I think the great appeal of working with FDS is that we can take that first step with a sense of speed.

Thank you Yamaha. Looking back, the launch of the Shibuya Smart Drinking Project went by in the blink of an

Motoda: The preparation period was probably about a month and a half before it was launched.

Collaboration with universities began the month after Yamaba was launched, and seminars began soon after.

Motoda: The great thing about FDS is that you can accumulate small successes one after another with such speed, and as more and more things are created in this way, more and more friends will come together. Once this virtuous cycle is created, new things will be born from Shibuya. I hope that we can create more of a "collective impact" where we interact with various companies in their respective roles and solve problems together.


“Shibuya Smadriver” wins Japan Marketing Award

Yamaba: In May of this year, you won the Grand Prix of the Japan Marketing Awards for ``Smad River Shibuya''.

Motoda Yes. Smadriver Shibuya was born as a result of an idea raised in an idea session at SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK, and it is based on diversity, where people who can drink and those who don't drink can have a fun time and space together. The award was given in recognition of two aspects: the "collective impact" aspect of working together with people in different positions.

Yamaba: What are your honest feelings?

MotodaThis award was given to Uniqlo's "Heattech" in the first edition, and other products and services that everyone is familiar with include Kao's "Attack Neo" and Toyota's "Toyo Times". It has won awards. However, we are a joint venture that has only been around for a little over a year, and one of our restaurants in Shibuya won the award, so I was really surprised when I first got the call.
However, looking at this year's other award winners, there were many projects that attempted to balance social and economic value. I think that's a sign that we're moving away from an era where it was all about selling things, and I think that people have recognized us as a symbol of that.

Yamaha: Have your future aspirations changed?

Motoda 's enthusiasm has changed. Now that we've become a place that attracts a lot of attention, I have to work harder and harder to avoid being disappointed when people actually come. Also, receiving an award like this gave me a sense of relief, as it gave me a boost and made me realize that what we were doing was correct and that we were okay with the direction we were going in. There is also.

Yamaha: I don't drink alcohol either, so I'm glad that the times have finally caught up with me, and I'm also glad that we were able to work together again.

Motoda: At first, we launched the project saying, ``I don't have time,'' but we've come this far (lol). Thank you very much for your continued support.

Yamaha Thank you very much. Finally, is there anything you would like to work on in the future or what you expect from FDS?

If we could eliminate inappropriate street drinking from Motoda Shibuya...if possible, I would like to be able to eliminate it through everyone's wisdom, rather than by forcing it through ordinances.

In terms of expectations, I hope that the members participating in FDS will continue to produce results. If you keep getting results, you'll get a lot of attention, right? As we get more attention, our results spread, and our friends gather again... In this way, many organizations similar to FDS will be created in cities all over the country, and what has been done in Shibuya, or what has worked well in other areas, will be able to be quickly collaborated and spread across the country. I think it's interesting.
I hope that each small step we take with FDS will gradually become a larger virtuous cycle.

Thank you Yamaha.

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