As a collaborative content with SIW2024, we have launched the "Shibuya-kei 16 Type Diagnosis"! Just answer the questions and you'll find out what type of Shibuya resident you are!

Press release

We provided a "Shibuya-kei 16 Type Assessment" as content that could be enjoyed by many people, including SIW participants.

The theme of SIW2024 is "CONNECTING COLORS OF DOTS: Becoming a 'creator of change' by encountering and connecting with unique ideas and solutions to create the next social innovation." We hope that this diagnosis will inspire many people to become aware of their own potential and become one of the 'creators of change' together with a wide variety of companies, creators, and artists, in the form of new business ideas for a better society, the potential of future cities discovered through music and art, the emergence of new cultures born from the streets, future life shown by technology, and messages that will inspire the next era.

Shibuya-kei 16 types diagnosis

This diagnosis will classify you into the type of Shibuya resident you are (a person who lives, works, studies, or visits) in the form of a "Shibuya-kei" type, and diagnose what kind of "potential to create the future" you have by being involved with Shibuya. In addition to the diagnosis results, you will also receive advice from various professionals currently engaged in innovation activities in Shibuya.

<Example of diagnosis result>

An innovator giving advice

Release period: Friday, October 25, 2024 - Monday, December 23, 2024

Diagnostic content page:

This content was created using "Diagnosis Cloud Yomitoru" provided by Pickles Co., Ltd. Yomitoru is a marketing SaaS that can be used for everything from creating diagnostic content to utilizing data.
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