123 programs, a total of 237 people took the stage, and about 42,000 people participated!
Archive videos are being delivered for free!
Future Design Shibuya, a general incorporated association, will hold "SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA 2020" (hereinafter, SIW), a city festival in Shibuya, Tokyo, with the theme of one of the largest social designs in Japan, from Saturday, November 7th to Sunday, November 15th. It was held in.
This year, which will be held for the third time, 16 locations based in Shibuya will be held with various contents under the theme of "HOW", how to survive the present and the future due to changes in lifestyle and values due to the Korona-ka. A total of 227 people took the stage in 123 programs, and about 42,000 people (about 35,000 online viewers) participated.
This year, the newly reborn Miyashita Park in Shibuya Ward was designated as "SOCIAL INNOVATION PARK", and experience programs and exhibitions including collaborative contents were held, and many people were able to come into contact with SIW in public spaces. In addition, we held "TGC teen 2020 Winter online" during SIW, and were able to deliver SIW's message to about 520,000 viewers, mainly teens who will lead the next generation.
Even after the closing, archived videos of conferences and networking (excluding some) will be released at any time and distributed free of charge. The report article is posted on the SIW official website.
Click here for archived videos: https://social-innovation-week-shibuya.jp/archive/
Click here for the report article: https://social-innovation-week-shibuya.jp/report-all/
"NOVUS-Future Design Award"
SIW's activities will continue throughout the year.
In December 2020, we started accepting applications for the "NOVUS-Future Design Award" to explore a new future. This is a project to commend projects and creative actions that lead society in a positive direction from new ideas and perspectives.
Awards for human resources, ideas, and creations that will transform cities and societies and create the future. It includes not only communication and design, but also technology, services, research and content.
There is no qualification to apply, and anyone can participate freely. The award-winning work to be commended in March next year will be implemented together with Shibuya Ward and sponsor companies for realization, and will be announced at SIW next year.
Click here for details: https://novus-award.com/
This year's SIW started a conference with a hybrid of online and offline, and while questions were raised with various awareness of issues due to the corona-ka, I was thinking about next year's theme while moderating.
Next year's theme is "Alternative Society New __ Begins" (a completely new image of society).
"Alternative" is translated as "alternative" and "another", but what is the universal, intrinsic value, not the alternative? Create an era with another new sense of values. I would like to work with you to think about "a new __ will start" to create a place for ourselves.
--SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA Producer Jungo Kanayama / Shinko Osada
"SIW2020 Closing Session"
Implementation outline
会場:渋谷スクランブルスクエア スクランブルホール(QWS)/SUPER DOMMUNE/渋谷キャスト/渋谷ストリームホール/Laugh Out渋谷/GAKU/渋谷男女平等・ダイバーシティセンター<アイリス>/渋谷区立宮下公園 /渋谷横丁/ヨシモト∞ホール/LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂)/宮益坂歩道部/代々木公園イベント広場/薬マツモトキヨシ渋谷Part2店外壁/クリエーションスクエア/渋谷バーチャル渋谷など
入場料:無料 (一部プログラムは有料)
プロデューサー:金山 淳吾(渋谷区観光協会代表理事) / 長田 新子(渋谷未来デザイン理事)
シルバーパートナー:株式会社アカツキ/大東建託株式会社/株式会社シブヤテレビジョン/スズキ株式会社/マースジャパンリミテッド/大日本印刷株式会社/ DAZN Japan Investment 株式会社/パーソルキャリア株式会社/株式会社みずほ銀行/東急建設株式会社/フォルダ株式会社/シュア・ジャパン株式会社
特別協力:株式会社AOI Pro./ 株式会社エードット/株式会社ブーマー/ Nomaps/イベントレジスト株式会社/Life is Style/ LIFE TUNING DAYS/ Breath Bless/株式会社IMAGICA GROUP/TGC teen/株式会社ウェザーマップ/SHIBUYA QWS/ SUPER DOMMUNE
<SIW2020 Collaboration Program>
15th Shibuya Music Festival 2020: http://shibuyamusicscramble.tokyo/
12th Shibuya Art Festival 2020: http://shibuyaartscramble.tokyo/
Tokyo Snow Festival SNOWBANK PAY IT FORWARD 2020: https://sbpif.net/tokyo_snow_festival/