Shibuya Ward official project "SHIBUKURO" and Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project provide takeaway paper bags free of charge to support restaurants in Shibuya!

Press release

As an initiative to support restaurants implemented by the Shibuya Ward official souvenir project "SHIBUKURO" project and the Shibuya 5G entertainment project, we will provide takeaway paper bags (for takeout) in collaboration with popular contents to target restaurants in the Shibuya area free of charge. We will make an effort.

KDDI Co., Ltd., Future Design Shibuya Co., Ltd., "Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project" organized by participating companies centered on the Shibuya Ward Tourism Association, and Netflix (Headquarters: Los Gatos, California, USA) worldwide As part of a collaboration project with the Netflix original series "Naked Director Season 2" (hereinafter, "Naked Director Season 2"), if you take out at a target restaurant in the Shibuya area from Thursday, July 1, " We will start handing it in a takeaway paper bag with the message "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I may have kept you waiting too much" in the drama of "The Naked Director Season 2". (Limited quantity)

Under the slogan "Move the future with Shibuya's owl" in the "SHIBUKURO" project, this time we will combine it with the power of entertainment to support restaurants in cooperation with the shopping district in Shibuya Ward and liven up the city of Shibuya. I will continue.
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・鰻 渋谷松川
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-3464-8477)
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-5422-3545)
・鹿児島料理 丸万
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-6455-3005)
・Glorious Chain Café
(渋谷区渋谷1-23-16 cocoti 1F/TEL:03-3409-5670)
・黒毛和牛バル 腰塚
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-6416-0829)
(渋谷区恵比寿南1-18-12 竜王ビルⅡ 1F/TEL:03-6451-0166)
(渋谷区道玄坂1-15-3 プリメーラ道玄坂B1F/TEL:03-3464-0801)
・純洋食とスイーツ パーラー大箸
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-5422-3542)
(渋谷区道玄坂1-2-3 東急プラザ渋谷6F/TEL:03-5422-3570)
・長崎飯店 渋谷店
(渋谷区道玄坂2-10-12 新大宗ビル3号館1F/TEL:03-3464-0528)
・南国酒場 アヤパニ
(渋谷区神山町5-3 スパイシービル1F/TEL:03-5453-1288)
(渋谷区南平台町2-5 A-bandsビル/TEL:03-6455-2235)
・広島お好み 鉄板でげ
・forucafe渋谷店@ WeWork渋谷スクランブルスクエア
(渋谷区渋谷2-24-12 WeWork渋谷スクランブルスクエア39F/TEL:080-4757-3221)
・ほっこり呑み処 千の里
(渋谷区桜ヶ丘町16-8 桜丘ビル3F/TEL:03-6455-1410)
(渋谷区神南1-9-4 NCビル2F/TEL:03-3461-5633)

About the collaboration project with Netflix original series "Naked Director Season 2"

In the "Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project" organized by participating companies and organizations centered on KDDI, Future Design Shibuya, and Shibuya City Tourism Association, in collaboration with the Netflix original series "Naked Director Season 2", [The Naked Director has fallen in Shibuya. Come on! ] We are implementing projects such as the AR stamp rally to liven up the city of Shibuya.

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