"Spice to power up your business" online program "Biz Spa" is now available!

Press release

Sending videos and information introducing business tips to businesses in Shibuya Ward who are facing various issues due to the corona disaster

Biz Spa is a business support program aimed at supporting businesses by utilizing a part of the funds of YOU MAKE SHIBUYA crowdfunding implemented in July 2020. From March 30, 2021, YOU MAKE SHIBUYA crowdfunding official website will provide hints and ale videos for many people who are struggling with the corona, focusing on interviews with companies and sole proprietors. And on the You Tube channel. For the first time, we have uploaded interview videos of 6 people working at restaurants, select shops, music event production companies, bookstores, etc. We will continue to interview stores and businesses in various industries and deliver them as needed.


Voice from ShibuyaVol.1 "Ryukyu Chinese Dining TAMA" Mr. Fumihiro Tamashiro
Corona sickness that responds to the support of friends and regulars

Voice from ShibuyaVol.2 "CANNABIS" Mr. Sunflower Hayasaka
“Connection” with each customer, which we continue to value online

Voice from ShibuyaVol.3 "Wise Connection" Mr. Yasuaki Matsuba
The power of music does not change. Taking advantage of the inconvenience of Corona and taking on new challenges

Voice from ShibuyaVol.4 "BAR Hichiya" Mr. Eiji Furukawa
Corona sword that survives together. The importance of horizontal connections in the same industry

Voice from Shibuya Vol.5 「百万年書房」 北尾修一氏

Voice from ShibuyaVol.6 "SUNSHINE JUICE" Mr. Konori
Simple and certain things that I want to convey through juice in a slowed down world


Name: "Biz Spa", a spice that powers up your business
Contents: For business operators who have various problems in Corona, we will send videos introducing the efforts of stores and companies struggling in Shibuya Ward and information that will be hints for future business.
Delivery start date: March 30, 2021
Distribution platform:YOU MAKE SHIBUYA YouTube channel


YOU MAKE SHIBUYA Crowdfunding overview
YOU MAKE SHIBUYA Crowdfunding Executive Committee
Shibuya Ward, Shibuya Ward Store Association Federation, Shibuya Ward Tourism Association, General Incorporated Association Future Design Shibuya
Crowdfunding partner: CAMPFIRE Co., Ltd.
Special cooperation: Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project
Purpose: In the era of with corona and after corona, the industry (entertainment, fashion, food and drink, hairdressing and beauty, etc.) that has been driving the culture of Shibuya by increasing the "resistance" of the city of Shibuya, creating a safe and secure city, , Implemented for the purpose of creating an environment where cultural and economic activities can be regained.
Implementation period: July 22nd (Wednesday) -September 6th (Sunday), 2020
* This crowdfunding has ended.
URL: URL:https://youmakeshibuya.com/fund/