What is the future of public art thatHULIC & New UDAGAWA will set up in Shibuya?
Future Design Shibuya (Representative Director: Hideki Koizumi, hereafter Future Design Shibuya) will be holding "and" every day at HULIC & New UDAGAWA, which will be born as a new landmark in Udagawa-cho as part of the public space research project. And "New"] We will carry out a public art research project in line with the concept.
This project collaborates with Hulic Co., Ltd. (President: Manabu Yoshidome), a member company of Future Design Shibuya, to implement art in public spaces and open spaces with various creators and artists. We will strengthen our ties with the city and aim to create a city suitable for the creative and cultural city of Shibuya.
Ken Hasebe, Mayor of Shibuya, Natsuo Sato (EVERY DAY IS THE DAY Creative Director / CEO), Seiichi Saito (President of Panoramatics), Takeshi Uraya (Vice President of Hulic Property Solutions Co., Ltd. and Executive Fellow of Hulic Co., Ltd.) ), Licaxxx (DJ) was selected as a judge, and "New Existentialism" was selected from several projects. The virtual museum "Unexistence Gallery" where works by three artists are exhibited in one space, and the flat art exhibited in the gangway of HULIC & New UDAGAWA express new art that exists online and offline. I am.
Comments on starting the project
Takeshi Uratani
Hulic Property Solutions Co., Ltd. Executive Vice President and Hulic Co., Ltd. Executive Fellow
Since the days of the Separatist Architectural Society, architecture and art have been intricately and closely related. This project is an attempt to more interactively entwin architecture and art in the artistic city of "Shibuya". With the cooperation of Future Design Shibuya, we held a competition to select artists, but as a result, Shibuya-like art that symbolized the era of Corona's disaster was realized, which is a fusion of real and virtual. I hope that this "device", "real place", and "virtual place" will contribute to Shibuya in the future.
Myeong Hee Lee
Design Team matt / Academic Resource Guide Co., Ltd. (arg) Chief Design Officer (CDO)
In this world where the Internet penetrates deeply into our daily lives and the real and virtual spaces merge seamlessly, our senses are dictated by expanding reality. Furthermore, in the era of with corona / post corona, virtual space is becoming a new reality as a space for creation, communication, or market.
In this project, by connecting a virtual gallery to the through passage between the city and architecture, we will question the way art works should be in these times. What does it mean to have a work in virtual space? What does it mean to experience an art work that can only be created in virtual space? The wallpaper of the through passage is an image cut out from the actual condition of the work called virtual gallery, and it is the entrance from the city to the virtual gallery. HULIC & New UDAGAWA will bring out a new reality in an environment where cities and virtual spaces are mixed.

Exhibition overview
The "Unexistence Gallery", which explores the ecosystem of art after Corona without having a place in the physical space, will hold an exhibition "New Existentialism". The image that spreads as wallpaper on the 1st floor of HULIC & New UDAGAWA, which is one of the venues for this exhibition, is the work itself that is calculated and developed on the network / computer (which is considered to be one of the existing works in this exhibition). It is an exhibition view of.
Just as letterpress printing has spread rapidly as a new communication technology to keep away from infection during the plague epidemic, the epidemic of the new coronavirus is accelerating the development of new communication technologies such as video distribution platforms such as Zoom. I was allowed to. As a result, people are even closer to their inner distance to the display, and the quality of reality for human-perceived planar images has changed significantly. It can be said that we are in that transitional period now. It seems that the virtual space that used to exist as a virtual image of the real space is replaced from the back to the front as an entity, or the wallpaper that was the background for something in the space itself. It is like a phenomenon that appears as an autonomous foreground.
Works such as photography, sculpture, and media art by Kenta Kobayashi, Naoya Hirata, and Yantu exist virtually and are exhibited in several ways. In this exhibition, what is the existence of the work and the appreciation of it, centering on the place of different meaning created by replacing what was previously "imaginary" with "real". , An attempt to recapture the meaning of owning.
Exhibition information
Title |New Existentialism – New Existentialism
Schedule |March 17, 2021 ~
Venue |Unexistence Gallery (https://unexistence.net/)
HULIC & New UDAGAWA 1F Gangway (Address: 32-7 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Participating artists | Kenta Kobayashi, Naoya Hirata, Yantu
Organizer | Hulic Co., Ltd., Future Design Shibuya, Unexistence Gallery
Supervision |T & C JAPAN
Planning |Unexistence Gallery
Planning Direction |Myeong Hee Lee
Design |Takuya Matsumi
Virtual gallery production | Junnosuke Hara, Naoya Hirata, Takuya Matsumi, Yantu
Wallpaper production | Naoya Hirata, Takuya Matsumi
PR / Coordination |Future Design Shibuya, Boomer Co., Ltd.
Exhibitor Profile
Kenta Kobayashi
Born in 1992, based in Shonan and Tokyo. The photographs taken by himself (the scenery around HULIC & New UDAGAWA) are graphically extended by digital processing, from the actual scene to the photograph, from the photograph to the two-dimensional abstract expression, and from there to the three-dimensional virtual expression. These images become wallpaper and return to the real space, expressing the motility that develops while crossing various dimensions. https://kentacobayashi.com/
Naoya Hirata
Born in Nagano prefecture in 1991. Graduated from Musashino Art University, Faculty of Art and Design, Department of Sculpture in 2014. Using ready-made 3D models and images collected from the Internet on the themes of space, time, and physics, he presented virtual sculptures built in the virtual space of a PC, mainly using the assemblage method. By using pseudomorphs, we embody another reality that exists in a new order, and by trying out different versions of the world that may be possible, we re-question the relationships between real things. We also consider a modern interpretation of the history of sculpture. https://www.instagram.com/_naoya___h__/
Yan two
Born in Kanagawa prefecture in 1984. Completed the Information Design Research Area, Department of Design, Tama Art University in 2009. Known for his drawing device works drawn by physical motion, he creates interactive / kinetic works that consider the relationship with the viewer, and works that use the Internet as a medium with the theme of the public sphere. In this exhibition, it is assumed that what actually exists is "movement / calculation in time", and the works that have been physically produced so far are virtually reproduced by computer rendering / simulation. http://yang02.com
HULIC & New series concept
HULIC's urban medium-sized compact commercial facility series.
We value the creative mind that always adds (&) "New".
We want to be a place where we can offer new services and products.
So that our customers are aware of their new values and can look forward and step forward tomorrow.
Together with our tenants, we aim to create a relaxing, relaxing, reliable and intimate space.
"&" Also expresses the desire to strongly connect HULIC with tenants, customers and society.
Following "HULIC & New SHIBUYA" (opened in 2017), it was born as the second facility in the Udagawacho area.
It consists of 1 basement floor, 12 floors above ground, and a variety of merchandise, restaurants, and service stores.

Address: 32-7 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Tenant: Opened on 3/12 AWESOME STORE TOKYO (Miscellaneous goods / 1-2F)
Scheduled to open on 3/17 Disk Union ROCK in TOKYO (Record store / B1F)
Scheduled to open on 3/23 Lightning stone fire Shibuya Center Street store (iron plate, okonomiyaki / 9F)
Scheduled to open in early 4 / Andhra Dining (South Indian cuisine / 4F)
URL: URL: https://annew.jp/building/udagawa/