What is the ideal form of social infrastructure that evolves due to the Korona-ka? — July 21st (Wednesday) SIW pre-event "SIW CONNECTION vol.3" will be held!


"SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA (SIW)", a city festival in Shibuya, Tokyo, with the theme of one of the largest social designs in Japan, is scheduled to be held in November this year as well.
The main theme of this year's SIW is "Alternative Society". We will consider how to grasp the future era in which existing social systems and new social systems coexist, and what actions to take.

This event "SIW CONNECTION" is a talk session series (scheduled to be held every other week) that explores each "alternative" as a pre-event of SIW2021 with various guests.

"Alternative x Social Infrastructure-What is the ideal form of social infrastructure that evolves due to the Korona-ka?-"


Daisuke Tomozawa (SIW Fellow / E Design Insurance Co., Ltd.)
Kuniko Obinata (Future Designer, Future Design Shibuya / Chairman, Japan Paralympians Association)
Jungo Kanayama (SIW Executive Producer / Shibuya City Tourism Association Representative Director)
Shinko Osada (SIW Executive Producer / Future Design Shibuya Director)

In the Korona-ka, people's lives have changed drastically due to the natural evolution of social infrastructure. What is the ideal form of further evolving social infrastructure?

We will welcome guests running on the front line and unravel the new future map they are drawing in their heads.

Date and time: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 from 18:30 to 20:00
Location: TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE Shibuya Scramble Square Share Lounge
Venue viewing: Capacity 5 people
* Due to the announcement of the state of emergency, the maximum number of visitors at the venue will be half of the normal number.

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