The "Urban Development Promotion Project Using Various Transportation Data" in the Urban Use Strategy was selected as a case study project for the Tokyo Metropolitan Data Platform (TDPF) in FY2024.

Press release

We are pleased to announce that the "Urban Development Promotion Project Utilizing Various Transportation Data," which is a joint effort with Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd., Shibuya Redevelopment Association, ESRI Japan Co., Ltd., Luup Inc., and Pacific Spatial Solutions Inc. that combines various mobility data and centrally visualizes traffic trends, has been selected as one of the case study projects (※1) to be implemented in 2024 for the Tokyo Data Platform (TDPF), a data collaboration platform operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Background to the project

In order to realize "Smart Tokyo," which utilizes the power of digital technology to bring out Tokyo's potential, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is promoting the use of various public and private data and operating the data sharing platform "TDPF," which supports the creation of new services. The Government is also working on a case study project to select and support pioneering projects.
Future Design Shibuya entered the TDPF with the "Urban Development Promotion Project Utilizing Various Types of Transportation Data," a project they are working on with various partners to create a safe, comfortable and convenient urban environment. The project was selected due to its comprehensiveness as mobility data, which utilizes data from electrically assisted bicycles and electric kick scooters in addition to automobile driving data, as well as the high effectiveness of the project, achieved through close collaboration with Shibuya Ward.

This will be the first traffic behavior analysis project in Japan to combine automobile driving data with electrically assisted bicycles and electric kick scooters.

Project members and roles

Initiatives for 2024

In fiscal 2024, in light of the formulation of the "Shibuya Plan 2040 (Urban Development Strategy)," a future urban development vision through public-private partnerships, various measures will be considered that incorporate the perspectives of local residents, etc., and Shibuya Ward will aim to grasp the situation from multiple angles and implement measures based on data that takes into account the diversification of transportation methods. The city will centrally visualize and analyze the traffic trends of various forms of mobility, and evaluate and verify various measures that will contribute to improving mobility and realizing smooth traffic.
By combining administrative data such as bus routes and parking and bicycle parking information maintained by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, automobile driving data held by our company, and the various mobility data held by each partner, we aim to create a unified visualization of traffic trends in Shibuya Ward. By objectively considering measures and verifying their effectiveness together with local governments and private companies, we aim to create a safe, comfortable, and convenient urban development.