The final screening of "NOVUS FUTURE DESIGN AWARD", which was announced at "SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA" (hereinafter, SIW) held in November 2020 and started accepting applications from December, was held.
At the final judging committee, presentations were given by eight finalists, and as a result of rigorous judging by six judges, six award-winning works were selected, including the highest award. For the award-winning works, we will work with Shibuya Ward and sponsor companies to try social implementation at SIW etc. for realization and contribute to the creation of a better society.
Outline of the event
Final selection: Saturday, July 3, 2021
Judges (in no particular order):
Kuniko Obinata (Future Design Shibuya Future Designer)
Yoshiaki Sawabe (President and CEO of 1-10 Co., Ltd.)
Hiroshi Sakida (Managing Director of Kokumin Mutual Aid coop)
Shinko Osada (Director / Deputy Secretary General of Future Design Shibuya)
Jungo Kanayama (Representative Director of Shibuya City Tourism Association, Future Design Shibuya Consultant)
Keita Makino (DE inc.Co-CEO)
Partner companies: Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd., Kokumin Mutual Aid coop <Zenrosai>
NOVUS FUTURE DESIGN AWARD award-winning work
Grand Prize, Social Innovation Category Award: "SDGs Action Poster for SMEs"
Norie Aoyama, Hana Hayashida, Hiroki Taguchi
Kokumin Mutual Aid coop Award, Resilience Category Award: "IMA-IZA MAP"
Seiji Ishizuka
Enter Tech Category Award: "Hack Shibuya To Raise Awareness"
Shiori Ogata, Anna Makito
Urban Design / People Design Category Award: "Proposals for Future Evacuation Routes"
Satoshi Iwashita
U19 Category Award: "Bag priority seat"
Abe Ainaga, Izumida Yoshita, Haga Hitoki, Matsuda Yuyu
Good Room Net Award: "W + C project Wheelchair x Business"
Koki Ogawa
* Award for document screening
In the future, we will carry out specific implementation verification for implementation, so details of the award-winning projects will be announced at the start of implementation.
Comments from the organizer
Shibuya City Tourism Association Representative Director Jungo Kanayama
The NOVUS FUTURE DESIGN AWARD, which was the first attempt at SIW2020, has finally completed the final screening, and each award has been decided. Due to the spread of the coronavirus infection, the final examination was delayed four months later than planned, which put a lot of burden on everyone involved. but. Because "ideas" are intangible, we listen to and interact with the finalists directly, share the thoughts put into the idea and the future ahead of the idea, judge and judge the intangible. I wanted to share the moments that lead to action, so I was particular about the final judging committee in real life. The eight ideas that remained in the finalists were all based on everyday casual awareness. I felt that I was waiting for an opportunity for a project to solve problems and create possibilities with abundant ideas and various experiences. We would like to co-create both the award-winning ideas and the unfortunately unwinning ideas so that they can be implemented in this year's SIW2021. And I look forward to discovering new possibilities again this year.
Comments from the winners
Received the highest award, Social Innovation category award
Norie Aoyama, Hana Hayashida, Hiroki Taguchi
I courageously applied for the phrase, "The award-winning work is a practical award that moves toward realization." I feel that you were able to see not only the content of the project, but also the underlying thoughts and feasibility in both the document screening and the presentation.
While the presentation schedule was postponed, I interpreted that I had time, and worked on the design more. As a result, we were able to submit a poster sample of "whole body" at the present time. I hope that such a final obsession also helped convey ideas, thoughts, and feasibility. Thank you very much for the opportunity to explain at the venue instead of online.
I feel that corrections and verifications are still needed for implementation, but I will do my best not to end it with "picture sky". Thank you very much.
A creative competition from Shibuya that recognizes ideas that lead society in a better direction. It is a practical award that works toward realization together with Shibuya Ward and sponsor companies. There is no qualification to apply. Anyone can participate freely. Awards for human resources, ideas, and creations that will transform cities and societies and create the future. It includes not only communication and design, but also technology, services, research and content.