#Shikatanakunai of the launch of the first demonstration action "Sexual Co-education Project"



At the orientation held on January 12, 2022, we announced the launch of the first demonstration action "Sexual Co-education Project" led by #Shikatanakunai and Future Design Shibuya. "Sex education is an important theme for everyone," said Kenichi Ishii, president of Nekuino Co., Ltd., a member of the project's founding members. We would like to inform you about the outline of this project and the recruitment of supporting members, which emphasizes "to grow together" rather than the conventional "teaching and nurturing" approach.

From sex education to sexual co-education.

This project expands not only sexual education in limited schools and companies, but also opportunities and places for "sexual co-education" where you can learn and deepen more closely from Shibuya Ward with companies, students, doctors and opinions. I aim to go. Conversations and knowledge needed to choose healthier options. Supporters will gather, share their knowledge and ideas, and design the final "content" while learning "what is the necessary sex education now?".

Both ask about the ideal way of sex education.

Formed a team with members who have an interest, knowledge, and assets in this "sexual co-education" (member recruitment is until the end of January). While learning about the current situation, we will create "content" that will be a new option. The progress of the project will be posted at any time on the official website and official SNS where there is only #. The procedure for the project is assumed to be as follows.

# 01 Project team formation
Companies, opinions, and students interested in sexual co-education projects will work together to build a team for specific output.

# 02 Learning between members
In order to think about what kind of content is needed as a sex education project, we will first exchange the current issues and knowledge of sex education and deepen our understanding.

# 03 Content Idea Conference
Based on the learning, the team discusses what kind of content is needed for whom and decides the output.

# 04 Content realization
As a new option that has never been seen before, we will realize and disseminate "sexual co-education" content in collaboration with teams. Realize and disseminate the assets of teams and external partners while bringing them together.

We are looking for friends to create together.

I. Participation partner in the sexual co-education project
We are recruiting about 30 people from 10 groups who have interests, knowledge, and assets in "sexual co-education" as project members. First of all, let us hear what you expect from the outlook and the project, what kind of cooperation can be done, such as commercialization and collaboration planning, proposal of concrete actions, provision of deployment place. We welcome your inquiries using the form below.
* Application deadline: Until January 31, 2022

II. #Shikatanakunai
In addition to the sexual co-education project, we are looking for companies / organizations that want to introduce their services, products, and actions in the context of "#Shikatanakunai" as a new option for living and working for a healthier future. (We will send it from time to time on the official website and official SNS where there is only #). Consultations on joint projects with Nekuino and Future Design Shibuya are also welcome.
* Application deadline: None

Click here for the participation support partner application form

* Inquiries will be answered in sequence from the Sexual Co-education Project Secretariat.

Click here for the "#Shikatanakunai" project